Claims Against City, County, and State Employees!

This article was inspired while we were watching and listening to a recording of a Lawful Living zoom call from June 4th. published on the Lawful Living Rumble channel. We needed a safe place to record our research and this seemed like a good place for us to have quick access and perhaps assist others that happen upon this article. Be aware that this article can change without warning as we do further research.

We have outstanding issues with members of the legal society doing business for the City of Conway, Faulkner County, the State of Arkansas, the City of Orville, the Okanagon County, the State of Washington and United States Customs and Border protection, ICE, under the Department of Homeland Security.

“I keep hearing the phrase “plausible deniability”. In thinking about that, would not that be synonymous with “good faith”? I looked up “plausible deniability” and Wikipedia (yeah, I know) came up with this.

“Plausible deniability is the ability of people, typically senior officials in a formal or informal chain of command, to deny knowledge of or responsibility for actions committed by or on behalf of members of their organizational hierarchy. They may do so because of a lack of evidence that can confirm their participation, even if they were personally involved in or at least willfully ignorant of the actions. If illegal or otherwise disreputable and unpopular activities become public, high-ranking officials may deny any awareness of such acts to insulate themselves and shift the blame onto the agents who carried out the acts, as they are confident that their doubters will be unable to prove otherwise. The lack of evidence to the contrary ostensibly makes the denial plausible (credible), but sometimes, it makes any accusations only unactionable.”

If they are made known by notices, then “plausible deniability”/good faith goes out the window.” Question Everything 2x

Everything is founded on the Public Officials having “good faith”. What does this actually mean?

Click on the link below or copy and paste it into your bowser, if you are interested in watching the educational video titled 04, June 2024 Tuesday Noobie Q and A sessh:

Research notes:

The following statement is made during the zoom call June 4th,  “That is why I keep telling him, it doesn’t matter they are trying to charge you under a statute which requires that you were on legal time in order to be bound under. This is why it is so important that everybody watches our “As Above So Below” series. Your newbie self will start to ask better questions. Like “why am I doing this?” Not just the what I am doing authenticating birth certificates, doing some nonsense with social security numbers, creating trusts, getting 98 numbers for the trust, creating a declaration of the trust because you didn’t file the trust in the public you put the trust in your drawer because it is private. But then you do a declaration of trust and then file that into the public. 

So the question becomes, “why are you doing this?” At the end of all of that will you know how to beat a traffic ticket? At the end of all that will you know when the agents who pull you over for that traffic ticket the highway patrol, will you know that they are not supposed to be talking to you? And that you need to file a notice of injury for even being arrested roadside to be given the ticket? Since you were not acting in the capacity of a person that can be ticketed. Will you know that? After you finish authenticating,  will you know that? After you declare your new nationality as “States National” or what ever the hell they gotch ya all claiming now.” malika 

malika shared the following video with us and we thought it a good idea to share the link here for future reference.

This Youtube video is for people preparing to write a document that will be read by members of the legal society titled, “How Formulas help Legal Writes and Legal Readers”:

For the State of Arkansas:

I asked Bing AI: How do I file a claim against a city employee under the laws of the State of Arkansas?

To file a claim against a city employee in Arkansas, follow these steps:

1. **Identify the City**: Determine which city the employee works for. Each city may have its own procedures.

2. **Contact the City**: Reach out to the city’s human resources department or legal department. They can guide you on the specific process for filing a claim.

3. **Gather Evidence**: Collect any relevant evidence related to your claim. This could include documents, emails, or witness statements.

4. **Submit Your Claim**: Typically, you’ll need to submit a written complaint or claim form. Check with the city for their preferred method (email, mail, or in-person).

5. **Follow Up**: Keep track of your claim’s progress and follow up as needed.

Remember that specific procedures may vary depending on the city and the nature of your claim. Always consult with legal professionals if you have any doubts or need personalized advice. 📝

I asked Bing AI: How do I file a claim against a city employee for the City of Conway under the laws of the State of Arkansas?

To file a claim against an employee hired by the HR Department for the City of Conway in Arkansas, follow these steps:

  1. Review Company Policies: Check your company’s employee manual or policies. It likely outlines the process for filing grievances or reporting harassment. Follow these guidelines meticulously, even if you’re reporting HR to HR1.
  2. Contact the City: Reach out to the City of Conway’s human resources department. They can guide you on the specific process for filing a complaint.
  3. Gather Evidence: Collect any relevant evidence related to your claim. This could include documents, emails, or witness statements.
  4. Submit Your Complaint: Typically, you’ll need to submit a written complaint or claim form. Confirm with the HR department the preferred method (email, mail, or in-person).

Remember that specific procedures may vary depending on the city and the nature of your claim. If you have any doubts or need personalized advice, consider consulting legal professionals2. 📝

How do I file a claim against a county employee working as an officer for Faulkner County under the laws of the State of Arkansas?

To file a claim against a county employee working as an officer for Faulkner County in Arkansas, follow these steps:

  1. Small Claims Court: Consider using Small Claims Court if the dispute involves an amount of $5,000 or less. Small Claims Court allows individuals to settle minor legal disputes without attorneys. You can file your claim in the county where the defendant resides or where they were supposed to perform an obligation1.
  2. Complete a Complaint Form: As the plaintiff, complete a legal form called a complaint. Provide the following information:
    • Names and addresses of both the plaintiff and the defendant.
    • The amount of money being claimed or a description of the property to be recovered.
    • A brief explanation of why you believe the defendant owes you the claimed amount or property.
  3. Filing Fee: Pay the filing fee (typically between $30 and $65) when submitting your complaint. Most district court clerks have complaint forms available1.

Remember that specific procedures may vary depending on the county and the nature of your claim. If you have any doubts or need personalized advice, consider consulting legal professionals. 📝

How do I file a claim against a county employee working for Faulkner County if the amount of damages excedes $5000.00?

To file a claim against a county employee working for Faulkner County in Arkansas when the damages exceed $5,000.00, follow these steps:

  1. Small Claims Court: If the amount is $5,000 or less, consider using Small Claims Court. You can file your claim in the county where the defendant resides or where they were supposed to perform an obligation1.
  2. General Liability Claim: For claims exceeding $5,000.00, follow the County of Kern’s regulations. Submit a form to the Clerk of the Board1.

Remember that specific procedures may vary depending on the county and the nature of your claim. If you have any doubts or need personalized advice, consider consulting legal professionals. 📝

A State Level Employee, for example, a judge, a court clerk, a State Police Officer:

If you need to file a claim against a state employee in Arkansas, you’ll want to follow the process outlined by the **Arkansas Claims Commission**. Here are the steps:

1. **Select the Agency**: First, choose the state agency that the claim is against. The options include agencies like the Arkansas Alcoholic Beverage Control, Arkansas Department of Health, and Arkansas State Police¹.

2. **Claim Information**: Provide details about the type of claim you’re making.

3. **Claimant Information**: Enter your information as the claimant.

Remember that the **Arkansas Claims Commission** essentially serves as the courthouse for these claims, and they hold pro se claimants (those representing themselves) to the same standard as attorneys. While they can answer questions about the process, they cannot provide legal advice¹. If you have specific questions, consider using the **CONTACT** button on their website for assistance.

Additionally, if you’re dealing with workplace discrimination claims, note that Arkansas does not have a specific state administrative agency for handling such complaints. For most discrimination claims, you’ll need to file a sworn charge of discrimination at your local Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) office³. Keep this in mind if your claim involves employment-related issues.

For more detailed instructions and forms, visit the **Arkansas Claims Commission’s website**². They’ll guide you through the process. 📝

Source: Conversation with Copilot, 2024-06-08
(1) AR State Claims Commission | Online Claims Submission.
(2) Employment Discrimination in Arkansas.
(3) Government Liability for Injury in Arkansas | Nolo.

How do I file a claim against an officer working in a Federal Agency of the United States when he has harmed me as a woman?

If you believe that you are a victim of criminal misconduct by a Federal law enforcement officer (such as Immigration and Customs Enforcement; the FBI; Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives; Drug Enforcement Agency; United States Marshals Service; or the Border Patrol), you should follow the procedures discussed below concerning how to file a complaint alleging violations of the criminal laws enforced by the Department of Justice (DOJ)1.

  1. Contact the Department of Justice (DOJ): You can file a complaint with the DOJ if you believe your rights have been violated. The DOJ enforces both criminal and civil statutes related to police misconduct.
  2. Addressing Police Misconduct Laws: The DOJ outlines laws that address police misconduct. To prove that a law enforcement officer violated a victim’s right to bodily integrity, the government must demonstrate that the victim did not consent to the defendant’s actions. Prosecutors can establish lack of consent or submission by showing that the defendant officer used either force or coercion to overcome the victim’s will2.

Remember that seeking legal advice and assistance is crucial in such cases. Consult with legal professionals to ensure you follow the appropriate steps and protect your rights. 📝

I asked Bing AI: When is it appropriate to file an SF 95 form when harmed by a federal employee of a United States agency?

The SF 95 form is used to present claims against the United States under the Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA). You should file an SF 95 form when you believe that a federal employee’s negligence or wrongful act caused property damage, personal injury, or death within the scope of their federal employment1. Here are the key points:

  1. Scope of Employment: The incident must occur while the employee is performing their official duties.
  2. Types of Claims:
    • Property Damage: If your property was damaged due to a federal employee’s actions.
    • Personal Injury: If you suffered injuries.
    • Wrongful Death: If the incident resulted in someone’s death.
  3. Time Limit: File the claim within two years after the claim accrues2.

Remember that presenting a fraudulent claim or making false statements can have legal consequences, so ensure accuracy and honesty when completing the form. 📝

I asked Bing AI: Why are police officers not held accountable when they file a false and fraudulent claim void of due process?

Holding police officers accountable for filing false and fraudulent claims is essential for maintaining trust in law enforcement and ensuring justice. However, the reasons for perceived lack of accountability can be complex and multifaceted. Here are some factors to consider:

  1. Qualified Immunity: Police officers often benefit from qualified immunity, which shields them from personal liability when performing their duties. This doctrine aims to strike a balance between protecting officers’ ability to carry out their responsibilities and ensuring accountability for misconduct. Critics argue that qualified immunity can hinder accountability by making it challenging for victims to sue officers directly.
  2. Internal Investigations: Police departments conduct internal investigations into officer conduct. These investigations may lack transparency, and outcomes can vary. Some argue that internal processes are insufficient for holding officers accountable, especially when they investigate their colleagues.
  3. Prosecutorial Discretion: Prosecutors decide whether to pursue criminal charges against officers. Factors such as available evidence, public opinion, and political considerations influence their decisions. Some believe that prosecutors are reluctant to charge officers due to close relationships with law enforcement agencies.
  4. Police Unions: Police unions play a significant role in protecting officers’ rights. While unions advocate for fair treatment, critics argue that they sometimes hinder accountability by resisting reforms and defending officers even in cases of misconduct.
  5. Culture and Bias: Police culture, training, and biases can affect accountability. A “blue wall of silence” may discourage officers from reporting misconduct by their peers. Additionally, implicit biases can impact how officers perceive and respond to incidents.
  6. Civilian Oversight: Some cities have civilian oversight boards or independent review agencies to investigate complaints against officers. However, the effectiveness of these bodies varies, and their recommendations may not always lead to meaningful consequences.
  7. Legal Challenges: Victims face legal hurdles when suing officers or departments. Proving intentional wrongdoing or overcoming qualified immunity can be difficult. Additionally, settlements are often confidential, limiting public awareness of misconduct.
  8. Public Pressure and Reform: Recent high-profile cases of police misconduct have sparked public outrage and calls for reform. Advocacy, protests, and demands for transparency can lead to changes in policies and practices.

In summary, achieving greater police accountability requires systemic reforms, changes in laws, and cultural shifts. It involves addressing legal barriers, promoting transparency, and fostering a culture of integrity within law enforcement agencies. 🚔🔍

When an officer acts ultra vires outside of their delegation of authority do they loose their qualified immunity? Can you find me the laws that support the fact that an officer looses qualified immunity if he acts outside of the legislated intent of the code, statute, act, etcetera?

When a law enforcement officer acts **ultra vires** (beyond their delegated authority), their qualified immunity may be affected. Qualified immunity shields officers from personal liability if their actions do not violate “clearly established” statutory or constitutional rights¹². Here are key points:

1. **Scope of Immunity**: Qualified immunity extends to an officer’s conduct unless it violates clearly established rights that a reasonable person would have known about³.

2. **Legal Standards**: To determine whether an officer loses qualified immunity, courts consider:
– Whether the officer’s actions violated constitutional or statutory rights.
– Whether those rights were clearly established at the time of the incident.

3. **Proposed Legislation**: Some lawmakers advocate for reforming qualified immunity to ensure accountability while allowing officers to perform their duties effectively⁴.

Remember that legal interpretations can vary, and specific cases may influence outcomes. Consult legal professionals for personalized advice. 🚔📜

Source: Conversation with Copilot, 2024-06-08
(1) How It Protects Law Enforcement Officers – LEB.
(2) What is ‘qualified immunity’ for police and why are there … – Poynter.
(3) Police Immunity – ABA Legal Fact Check – American Bar Association.
(4) Senator Mike Braun introduces Reforming Qualified Immunity Act.

The **Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA)**, enacted in **1946**, provides a legal means for compensating individuals who have suffered personal injury, death, or property loss or damage caused by the negligent or wrongful act or omission of an employee of the federal government¹². Here’s how it works:

1. **Eligibility**:
– Anyone harmed by a federal agency or employee acting within their official capacity can pursue a claim under the FTCA.
– This includes individuals, businesses, or other government entities.

2. **Key Requirements**:
– To make a successful FTCA claim, you must prove:
– An employee or agent of the federal government harmed you.
– The employee’s acts were negligent or intentionally wrongful.
– The employee was acting within the scope of their duties.
– You were directly harmed due to the employee’s negligence.

3. **Administrative Claims Process**:
– Before going to court, start by filing an administrative claim with the relevant government agency responsible for your injuries.
– For example, if harmed by an EPA employee, send your claim to the EPA Claims Officer.

4. **Legal Proceedings**:
– If the administrative claim is denied or not resolved, you can then file a lawsuit in federal court.
– The FTCA allows you to seek compensation for damages caused by federal employees’ actions.

Remember that the FTCA ensures that individuals harmed by federal government actions have a legal avenue to seek compensation. 🌟

Source: Conversation with Copilot, 2024-06-08
(1) The Federal Tort Claims Act: Everything You Need To Know.
(2) Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA) | US EPA.
(3) The Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA): A Legal Overview – CRS Reports.


Notice of Claim Claim of Damages;

Let’s dive into the specifics for **Washington** and **Arkansas**:

1. **Washington State**:
– To file a claim for damages against the state of Washington, follow these steps:
– Use the **Washington State Tort Claim form**, which is available on the [Department of Enterprise Services (DES) website](
– You can submit the form **online**, by **fax**, by **mail**, or **in person**.
– Keep copies of all submitted documents, as they won’t be returned.
– The form is subject to public disclosure under RCW 42.56².

2. **Arkansas**:
– For Arkansas, you can submit your claim online or use a paper form through the [Arkansas Claims Commission](
– Remember that submitted materials may become public records under the Arkansas Freedom of Information Act.
– If your claim contains sensitive personal information, remove or redact it before submission¹.

Remember, legal matters can be complex, so seeking professional advice is essential. 📝🔍

Source: Conversation with Copilot, 2024-06-08
(1) File a Tort Claim | Department of Enterprise Services (DES).
(2) Claim Submission | Arkansas Claims Commission.
(3) Filing a Tort Claim Against the Government in Washington | Nolo.
(4) Guide to Small Claims Court – Arkansas Attorney General.
(5) Understanding The Arkansas Tort Claims Act – Pain and Claim.
(6) Late Proof of Loss in Arkansas – Property Insurance Coverage Law Blog.
(7) The Arkansas Guide to Property Insurance Claims: Deadlines … – Brelly.
(8) Arkansas Notice of Claim for Damages for Waste from Lessor to Lessee ….
(9) Motor Vehicle Claim for Damages – WA State Licensing (DOL).
(10) PDF RCW 4.28.360 – Washington.
(11) Getty.×612&w=0&k=20&c=Ng91dVaBJECflr4AJpbf4cfyAkwbn8uXPVoK_RaZ4D0=.


Let’s explore the process for filing a **Notice of Claim** and seeking damages against the United States:

1. **Notice of Claim (NOC)**:
– The **Notice of Claim** is a formal document required when someone intends to sue the U.S. government for damages due to alleged negligence or wrongful conduct.
– **Purpose**: It serves as a preliminary step before filing a lawsuit.
– **Standard Form 95 (SF-95)**: To present claims against the United States under the **Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA)**, use **Standard Form 95**. This form is used for property damage, personal injury, or death allegedly caused by a federal employee’s negligence or wrongful act within the scope of their federal employment.
– **Submission**:
– The completed SF-95 must state a claim for money damages in a specific amount.
– Present it to the appropriate federal agency within **two years** after the claim accrues.
– **Denial Requirement**: Before filing a lawsuit, the claimant must first present the claim to the appropriate federal agency, and the claim must be **finally denied in writing** by the agency¹².

2. **Claim of Damages**:
– A **claim of damages** provides detailed information about the reason for making a claim and the damages sought.
– Include:
– Personal information (name, address, etc.).
– Incident details (date, time, location, damage incurred).

Remember, legal matters can be complex, so seeking professional advice is essential. 📝🔍

Source: Conversation with Copilot, 2024-06-08
(1) Civil Division | Documents and Forms – United States Department of Justice.
(2) 28 U.S. Code § 2675 – LII / Legal Information Institute.
(3) What Do I Need To Include In My “Notice Of Claim … – Shevlin Smith.


If you need to submit a claim against the United States under the Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA) for property damage, personal injury, or death allegedly caused by a federal employee’s negligence or wrongful act, you’ll want to use **Standard Form 95 (SF-95)**. This form is used to present such claims and must be submitted to the appropriate federal agency within two years after the claim accrues. You can obtain SF-95 from the [GSA Forms Library]( or directly from the [U.S. Army Corps of Engineers website]( Remember to complete all relevant sections and provide a specific amount claimed for personal injury, death, or property damage. 📝

Source: Conversation with Copilot, 6/9/2024
(1) Civil Division | Documents and Forms – United States Department of Justice.


When we are a teenager or young adult and we are told that we need to do something and see that our mother and father are doing a thing like paying taxes is it really volunteering?

“so as [i] have said it is not a matter of an unknowingly volunteering but those in positions of authority taking advantage of those who were lied to and coerced their whole lives. The first time you write in and they know you know something is not right they in their positions should fix it on the spot. They took oaths not us, they are receiving tax dollars and our credits without placing SSA-89 forms with their paperwork for one: if they care to engage with the SSN. Their principal agreed to follow the legal rules not you and [i]. But most if not ALL are not even in seats to do this to us…so it has nothing to do with us learning, they have to know when they take the fakery to the next level and or at the very least not walk away when they discovery it is not as it should be.” raven

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